
Mar 31, 2011


It is a long time ago since I made this emblem, but just to share and maybe give some ideas to some people, my drums emblem:

Mar 30, 2011

The ugly little duck

I don't know if the translation to English is exactly this, but it reminds me the story of the ugly little duck... Is he sad?

Mar 29, 2011


I'm loving it! This McDonalds emblem made me hungry!

Mar 28, 2011

Sniper (Making off / Layers set up)

Just a few days ago I was asked to explain how I made the sniper emblem, up to today the most popular emblem of the blog. I'll put it layer to layer. I had to do it again so although it is nearly exactly the same, it is not.

I hope you like it. I started with the moon, a white circle:

Finally, the layers explanation:

Of course, this is the way I made this, feel free to do your own one ;-)

Mar 27, 2011

Red Bull?

Sometimes being original creating an emblem is not easy. There are cool symbols and other not that cool so if you are creative you can improvise some stuff, like the player who made this Red Bull logo with horses!!! LOL

Mar 26, 2011

Black & orange tribal faces emblems

Playing with the designer the other day I made some tribal emblems. Using black and orange I got things like this samurai and kind of future soldier? pilot? Whatever it is I share with you this technique with great potential. I hope you like it...

Mar 25, 2011


You can be a Dj on Blackops just with this:

Mar 24, 2011

Manga: You see??

Today i want to post a funny manga face:

Mar 23, 2011


I already put a lot of superheores but not Spiderman, one of the most popular ones. Time for Spidey...

Mar 22, 2011

Packman's Ghost

It is not specially difficult to make but a classic like this picture must be in the blog. The Packman's ghost, even with its pixels!:

Mar 21, 2011

Sad face

This face is sad because winter is gone and SPRING is here!!! Let's celebrate despite of his face ;-)

Mar 20, 2011


Some of the emblems I see make me smile. This tiny surfer was one of those :-)

Mar 18, 2011

ESPN TV Channel logo

If you follow sports through ESPN, then maybe you'd like to know that someone made it an emblem:

Mar 17, 2011

Transformers logo

Now Transformers came bak to fashion after a lot of years only in the memories of the 30's people. The emblem belongs to my generation as it does to yours, probably:

Mar 16, 2011

Japan flag

In these days a lot of people of Japan is suffering a lot and the situation has been described as Apocalypse. For this reason I think it is fair to show a bit of solidarity with the Japanese people sharing their flag. It is not too much, I know, but I wanted to keep them in mind.

Mar 15, 2011

Superman (by Tim D.)

Despite just a short time ago I posted a Superman emblem, Tim D. sent me his own versions, one of them a very original old comics logo. I think we had time enough in between to post a new Superman logo.

The usual emblem:

The old classic emblem:

Mar 14, 2011


Well, we watch videos of Black Ops all the time on Youtube, so it deserves his own emblem in my blog.

Mar 13, 2011

The Punisher

One of my favorites superheroes ever, the Punisher:

Mar 12, 2011

Power Ranger

To be honest, I don't remember which one of them he is but anyway a Power Ranger is a Power Ranger so let's show you how he looks like as an emblem.

Mar 11, 2011

Photographic camera

I did this photographic camera although I never used it. I guess it was just for fun

Mar 10, 2011


This Geisha is very beautiful. Something different and elegant for making an emblem, at least for me.

Guns 'n' Roses

One of the first emblems I made for fun. I never got to use it, but sill: Guns 'n Roses:

Mar 9, 2011

Mar 8, 2011

Blog: Call of Duty: Black Ops Emblems

Hi people. I was looking through the internet for some cool emblems and I discovered a very cool blog, similar to mine, somehow. The only pity is that it looks like the blogger is not going to update it anymore. I don't have intention of just picking up some of his stuff because it would be really difficult. In case you want to check by your own just take a look to:

Call of Duty: Black Ops Emblems

This guy really made awesome emblems. Come back!!!


During all this time I saw many of these Superman emblems but I admit this is the best one.

Mar 7, 2011


Ok, it is the brand, but it is the way also how we know them in Spain :-) Two of them: strawberry and apple?

Mar 6, 2011

Android logo (II)

The new fashion, the Android, came as well to the Black Ops, as an emblem only.

Mar 5, 2011

Marlboro box

I did this Marlboro box. Not too much story.

Mar 4, 2011

One Euro coin

How can it be the firs coin I see? How we didn't realize we could have done it before? We see coins everyday and it was so obvious... A one Euro coin:

Mar 3, 2011

Video Black Ops Hiding Tactics Jungle (very funny)

This is not an emblem but I found it so funny that I had to share it :-D

Mar 2, 2011

No campers, no RC-XD

Hilarious, you maybe use RC-XD or maybe you like to camp; up to you..., but some people hate you, like the guy who made this emblem. Warning, as far as I remember he was really good and he had a quite high prestige level... be afraid if you play X-Box...

Mar 1, 2011

Borussia Dortmund Shield

Yesterday I was watching some german football and I remembered I have and emblem of Borussia Dortmund in my collection so I decided to share it with the rest of the people. Here you have it, are you a Borussia supporter?