
May 30, 2011

Modern Warfare fan movies

In this ocassion I want to share a fan film, not even of Black Ops, but of Modern Warefare. I know this movie, or two, as you want to see it, are not emblems or Black Ops related directly... The point is that they are really impressive, for a fan film. Take a look to it and tell me I shouldn't post them...

May 27, 2011

Yellow Ninja

Just at the beginning of this month I posted a very stilished Red Ninja. I don't know it the autor of this Yellow Ninja is the same one (I never take pictures of the gamer name) but either he is the same or there is a new Coloured Ninjas School...

May 26, 2011

New York City King Kong (by Alex C.)

Hi all, today I want to share an emblem Alex C. sent me by mail. It is an impressive use of the layers for getting this fantastic King Kong on the top of New York City!

May 25, 2011

Capitan America Shield with FX

Some day I posted a Capitan America shield I considered then better than the rest I saw but now I have to take it to the next level and show you this one including refrections and shinning effects. Yeah:

May 24, 2011

Mutenroshi kanji (Dragon Ball) Updated title

Some time ago I posted my actual emblem but now, some prestige levels further I want to update it with the current title background I use now. I'm about to the 15th prestige and probably I'll use the cool skull of that level, but this one I'm using now I like too. For some time I used the dragon of the... 11th prestige?

May 23, 2011


This guerrillero looks a bit like the ones in MW2, or I think so...

May 22, 2011

Green scary faces

Not really scary, but hilarious. These green faces are good emblems to stick on the weapons:

May 21, 2011

Link (Zelda)

If you really think of what to do, taking one of your favorite characters usually helps. For the creator of this one, let me guess... he plays Nintendo as well. From the Zelda Saga: Links!

May 20, 2011

Howl on the moon

A wolf, a howl on the moon... this is the emblem I'm talking about.

May 19, 2011

Green Lantern

Another superhero, in this case by a friend of mine, Sctitx. The Green Lantern logo:

May 18, 2011

Audi logo

It may not be difficult to create the Audi logo, but if you take the effort of adding letters to it, then you deserve to be in the blog. SOme extra work is worthy, then...

May 17, 2011

Little chicken with RPG

I know it sounds weird, but for some people, creating emblems is something like putting a little chicken shooting a rocket launcher...

May 16, 2011

Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe, or as we call it in Spain, the Three in Line, can be an emblem too. You don't believe it? See...

May 15, 2011

Arsenal football team shield

Maybe you guys, in America, see soccer as something not that cool, but in Europe we see it as the top sport, so for the English people, this Gunners (Arsenal) emblem:

May 14, 2011

Lighting a cigarette

Sometimes it is difficult, but lighting a cigarette in Black Ops is as easy as creating your own emblem.

May 13, 2011

Boiled rice, japanese stile

It is late and I didn't have any dinner still. Let's take ideas from Black Ops. Ups, a boiled rice bowl!!!

May 12, 2011

Light saber

I have to say, when I saw this emblem I put it in my favorite emblems ever. A light saber, how I couldn't think of that before!!!

May 11, 2011


This one, I created just for fun, but I though something like this on your weapon maybe should help somehow. This is a radar to attach to your Famas...

Red Ninja

I've been a bit off for a while but now I'm back so, to compensate, I'll post really cool emblems, like this red ninja...

May 5, 2011

Double XP Points this weekend for all platforms

Starting this Friday the 6th at 10am PDT, and extending to Tuesday the 10th at 10am PDT, double experience points for rising levels faster.

See you in the battlefield!