Dec 21, 2010

Stars pentagon effect

Actually this emblem is nothing but a nice combination of stars creating the effect of a pentagon inside. I though these kind of emblems are beautiful as well..., why not?

Ipod icon

I was thinking of making this one once, but after a few minutes I saw this one, so I decided I wouldn't create an Ipod icon anymore...

Dec 19, 2010

Dec 18, 2010

NES Controller

As I made the Xbox controller I must show this one of the NES controller. Nintendo is a clasic, dude!

Xbox controller

I made, and I'm using right now, the Xbox 360 controller. Maybe someone will make the PS3?? even the Wii is acepted ;-)

Dec 17, 2010

Micky Mouse

Walt Disney put his own voice to Micky Mouse so, by far, this is the most famous and important character of the Disney Factory. I decided to take a picture of this Mickey because looks so real, if you compare with the original. The proportions are brilliant and I feel like I want to see some Micky stories seeing this:

Dec 16, 2010


Snoopy is a nice character. This one made by a friend of mine is not only cute but also elegant...

3D glasses

This is not a famous brand, or game, or character... it is just a nice design, in my opinion, some 3D glasses with sniper rifles. I liked the whole image:

Dec 14, 2010

Lego Black Ops

This is not an emblem or has nothing to do with them, but after seeing it I thought it should be in the blog, forever!! An amazing Lego Black Ops:

Michael Jackson

Making so much with so less is an art. And this is what this emblem of Michael Jackson is...

Dec 13, 2010

Apple logo

The Apple logo shown here is a very good example of creativity and simplicity.

Amsterdam flag

I think there is a full group of people using it. I remember playing against 6, at least, with different things on their flags to make them unique. They killed me a lot, but the Amsterdam flag looks so elegant I have to share at least one, the original one...

Dec 12, 2010


Why not make a rock band logo? This one of AC/DC looks not bad, I think...

Headshot +5000

I liked this one, just a headshot getting a lot of points :-)

Dec 11, 2010

James Bond

The famous James Bond picture, through the scope and bleeding. First I want to show the coolest one I saw and then a couple more, nice as well, although not so well finished. I found some more but let's keep them for the future...

Source of the second picture:

Gears of War (Xbox game)

You don't really need so many layers to make the logo of the Xbox game Gears of Wars. And with only that you can do...

23 (Michael Jordan)

This is the emblem I'm using right now. A tribute to the greatest player ever: Michael Jordan, from the Chicago Bulls...


Use a console shape for the emblem is nice. The Gameboy:

Dec 8, 2010

The Greatest American Hero emblem

Maybe many of you won't remember this TV series of the 80's but this is the emblem of the main character, a superheroe without the instructions for the dress. I even have the T-shirt of The Greatest American Hero so it was funny to try to make it. I leave a picture of the original one also so maybe you can identify it easier.

Dec 7, 2010

V (The old TV series)

I've been playing a lot with the emblems today but after all I did, the one I liked more for some days is the one with the logo of V, the old TV series. With the UFO in the background looks even better, I think...

Donkey Kong (the original game)

Fantastic! A real Donkey Kong game, the original one even, on an emblem. Dude, you rock it!!!


Tips for creating an emblem in Black Ops (I)

Creating an emblem in Call of Duty Black Ops can be as easy or as difficult as you want. If you have some talent for arts then you have an advantage but if not, this is not a problem at all.

Before I start to write I have to say that I saw the menu for the three platforms (Xbox 360, Play Station 3 and PC) and it looks quite similar so for this post I won't make any difference.

At this point first of all is to know what emblem you want to do. It is quite simple to take a monkey, a gun and a FTW (WTF?) symbol and just put them without order and with some ugly colors. The game is plenty of those, unfortunately. You can create as well some penis or similar but it looks like more like you are a 12 years old person. If you are you shouldn't be playing this game (+18)...

Let's suppose that you are grown enough and you want to do something nice or just original. Pick up a logo, a cartoons character, a brand or just your own idea and think that you have twelve layers to do it. Choosing is not so easy. Many people has been working on it for a long time now so being original is not a real chance anymore. If you see what you wanted to do and it's made by someone else you can still make it better, or different, there is not a big deal on that.

Avoid stupid content for your emblem like swastikas or animals having sex. You can be banned for some matters like some news say (check here). You don't really want that so take a nice idea.

The more you practice, the cooler the emblems will be.Once you have done some of them try to introduce elements like shadows, brights, reflections or perspectives and you'll gain in quality quickly.

Think of some images of your childhood, about your favorite series or movies, about the teams you are supporting in sports or about those cool brands you like so much. You can take a review to your music collection and think about some records cover or just use your old drawings. Whatever is fine.

Take into consideration if you can make it in 12 layers and look for the way to fitting in those layers making it simple. Choose the right colors and try to take care of the contrast they make. Think about how it'll look like in the title bar and which of the title backgrounds will suit better so maybe you can save a layer for the background.

If you don't like how it is working, just reset and try something different, you have time enough, haven't you?

Buy as many emblems as you can with your budget. You don't need to buy all from the beginning on but just think that when you go to the next prestige level it doesn't make sense to buy new weapons maybe so spend the money in emblems, otherwise you will loose all the money.

Finally, by now, think that a dog is not just a dog if you turn it and fit it onto another shape. A gun machine could be a letter F or a letter could be the body for that character you want to do. Think in the overall picture and find the way to do it with the stuff you have bought.

I'll continue soon with a graphic explanation and some examples but I hope you can find some sense in this words by the moment.

Dec 6, 2010

Rubik Cube

It looks like just some colorful squares, but it is such a good idea to make the Rubik Cube!! A game into a game. When will we get this game in the Xbox?

Ball eight (8)

Nothing as simple like this, and nothing more elegant. An authentic ball number 8:


The Punisher logo

It looks dangerous, it looks sinister, it looks itself the logo that the Punisher is wearing on his chest:


Thundercats logo

Wowwwwww, this Thundercats logo is awesome!!!!!! It has a lot of work and looks brilliant!!


Homer Simpson

Lots of them as well but there is a face for Homer Simpson and it must be this one :-)


Dragon Ball

I was tempted of taking pictures of many of the Dragon Balls I found playing but I decided to post this one because I like it more than the others:


Yoda (Star Wars)

This funny Master Yoda, from the Star Wars, was made as well by a friend. On the title looks even better...

Android logo

Cute.... The Android logo made an emblem for the Xbox

Batman logo (the new and the old ones)

Just comparing, both look beautiful, each one has it own work... The new and the old logo of Batman:


Bender (Futurama)

This is absolutely great!! How I didn't have the idea before!!! Call of Duty Black Ops could never be the same without Bender, from Futurama:


Pokemon emblems

At least, in the Xbox, there are a lot of Pokemon emblems. I just picked up a couple of them I saw before they started to spread too much. I don't know the authors but they look nice:

Cartman (South Park)

A friend of mine did Eric Cartman, from South Park. Actually, this is the best Cartman by far of all I saw...

Star Wars imperial Trooper

This is up to today my actual emblem. Quite simple but it looks cool on the title bar. My Star Wars Imperial Trooper:

Ferrari Logo

Like two days after I created this I saw a very similar one, less cool because that one didn't have the letters. So here it is my Ferrari Logo:

Kenny (South Park)

I created this one much earlier than any other Kenny on Black Ops, as far as I know. At the very beginning of the game... Directly from South Park:

My first emblem

Well, I'm Spanish, I was born in 1977 and we are world champions in football, what else could I say?

Welcome, let me introduce the blog

Hi all, or just me...

I made this blog because I found some true art pieces playing Call of Duty Black Ops. I mean, I found really cool emblems on the player's titles and some of them are worthy to share.

I play on the Xbox but I guess people playing on other platforms would like to share with the rest of the world what they created.

I decided to upload my own emblems but also the ones I found more interesting, for the picture itself or for the work I appreciate behind it.

This blog is open to all the emblems you want to send to me and I'd be pleased to show your emblems if you send them to me. At this point I'd like to stablish a rule: no sexual or racist content may be accepted. For the rest, I think I'll create some categories and hopefully some day we can make some contests about wich ones are the coolest. By the moment I'll start with my own ones and with the ones I like more.

If you are the creator of one of these I published you can leave a comment to say "ey, that's mine" and if you don't want to see it one here for some reason, let me know and I'll remove. Unfortunately I didn't take the pictures with my mobile phone to all the screen so the authors are not shown.

The quality of the pictures is not so good but to be honest, when yoy are about to begin a game, you don't have everything ready for a pictures session.

In case you find some mistakes in my words this is because I'm not an English native speaker so I hope you forgive me ;-)

And that's all. Let's see if this idea go further and let's start!! Good luck to me!
