Jan 28, 2011

Ying and Yang

Balance, contrast, equality... you can find all of that also in Black Ops thanks to this Ying and Yang emblem...

Jan 27, 2011


The classic version of Wolverine made an emblem. The X-Men should consider hiring the person who made this for their team. It is pretty cool:

Jan 26, 2011

Real Madrid shield

I admit I tried to do it for 10 minutes and I couldn't make it as I wanted. One day playing I saw this quite good Real Madrid shield so the guy who made this emblem deserves all my respect!

Jan 25, 2011

The menu into the menu

Some old painters used to use this technique, the picture into the picture, so I created and emblem with a menu into a menu. I'm talking about the menu for creating emblems, yes I'm crazy... or maybe it is just stupid...

Jan 22, 2011

Arabesque - abstract

As I said before, in some other post, not all is about making brands or real things into the emblems. Sometimes a nice abstract design is as cool as any other thing so I found this arabesque emblem very good and relaxing. I think it deserves a place in between all the others here:

Jan 21, 2011

Gun and movement

This is an interesting mix: a gun with a feeling of movement. Simple and effective. I liked this emblem...

Jan 20, 2011

Frag grenade

Ey, we are playing a war game, or what is Black Ops about? The emblem menu is plenty of weapons to make other designs, but what about making a weapon coming from other draws? Yes, you threw back some grenades so now I send this to the internet through my blog. Booooooooom!

Jan 19, 2011

Mr. Hankey (South Park)

It is curious that everyone, even me, made the typical round characters of South Park. They are easy and you can recognize them very well. But some brave guy made Mr. Hankey, that weird character for those children who can't have Xtmas. When I say it I didn't have other option, I had to take a picture...

Jan 18, 2011

Scary clowns

They may look like The Jocker, in the Batman comics/movies, and maybe it was the intention of the creators of these emblems, but as far as I can't check it, let's say that they are scary clowns, from different players, of course.

Jack Daniel's bottle

I like driking Jack Daniel's so in its honor I decided to create an emblem with the bottle :-)

Jan 8, 2011

You have a cool emblem, send it to me!

I have a section in the blog where you can send me your emblems if you think you have something you would like to be seen. Even if a lot of people playing on your same platform can see it usually, the rest of the world can't, so here you have some space to share it.

I have just some rules, like avoiding sexual, racist or offensive (in general) content. You can go to the section I have or just send me an email (emblems.blackops@gmail.com) with your logo.

If you want, you can send me info about how you created it, who are you and in what console we may find you some day killing us :-)

Feel free of sending stuff and I'll publish it for you.

Jan 7, 2011

Ghostbusters logo

I saw today a very funny video where they were making a recut of the movie Ghostbusters, like if Christopher Nolan (director of the new Batman saga or Inception) would have made it. After that I decided the moment of publishing this emblem I saw already came...

Peter Griffin (Family Guy)

Making characters is an art and the guy who made Peter Griffin, from the Family Guy series, is an artist. This emblem is very good, in my opinion...

Jan 5, 2011

Darth Vader

I made first the Star Wars trooper but then I made a Darth Vader, a long time ago. I didn't like it so much, but after seeing other ones I think I must show what I did, so maybe someone can make a real Dark Father...


Although I'm Spanish I live in Ireland and for this reason I like this country so much. I guess the servers are matching my game to the Irish people a lot. This is why I saw this Irish emblem with the EIRE in the national colors flag and a big clover. I like it!!

Jan 4, 2011

DC logo

I wear a lot of DC clothes and when I sow the emblem I thought, this logo rocks! So here it is one of the brands I like:

Jan 2, 2011

Xbox 360 logo

This Xbox 360 logo is very accurate and I felt the needing of sharing with all of you, even if you play on other platforms...

VLC player logo

These days I started using VLC as a player and it was cool seeing the logo on the Black Ops some time ago. Now I think it deserves to be here :-)