
Feb 23, 2011

Tutorial: Basics emblems for Black Ops

I promised making some kind of tutorial for making emblems based on my experience. I already gave some tips choosing the objet or character, or whatever we want to create.

Let's start for something easy. What about starting with the Facebook logo. We are going to build it without reflections or shadows. Just simple:

I put first in different color so you can see the objets I used. Then, put the right colors and here you are! The final result is:

Of course, the more money you spend on objets the more things you will be able to build.

Let's see another example. The RSS logo, as well without effects:

The final result is this (note the color changes because of the picture I took, with less light):

I'll come back soon to this section with ideas for making some more complex emblems. By the moment, that's all... ;-)

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