Dec 7, 2010

Donkey Kong (the original game)

Fantastic! A real Donkey Kong game, the original one even, on an emblem. Dude, you rock it!!!



  1. Are these taken off from the other websites or forums? There is no link to the actual source. I clearly saw this amazing emblem posted on the forums at

  2. You are totally right. I apologize for that. I corrected all the posts with pictures from other sources.

    The point is I prepared the blog very fast and I didn't organize well my material. Most of what I have are pictures I took from my screen but some others look so good that I took them from I'll take care from now on.

    Anyway, if someone finds his own emblem here and doesn't want to share or wants to be mentioned, just leaving a comment or sending me an email, I'll correct it.

    Thanks for your feedback.


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