
Jun 13, 2011

Level 50 15th Prestige. Rising levels tips (II)

How do I play?

I played with different options but having a more or less standard process to build up my profile after every prestige.

In the beginning of every Prestige I started using the faster profile available, with the MP5K. In a couple of games I already had level 6 or 7 so I could create some customized version of it. I'd wait until the 14th level for spending most of my money, improving it but the very first wast to buy Sleight of Hand. For me it is fundamental.

That would be followed by items like Rapid Fire, Claymores, Flash Grenades and Makarov Pistol with upgraded targeting. Marathon and Lightweight were always in my first levels.

After reaching level 14th I went most of the times for the Famas, creating different versions of the profile, one with Grenade Launcher, other with Reflex Sight and another one with War Lord and Reflex/Suppressor and Ninja.

The one with the Grenade Launcher usually had a rocket launcher too, in case some one is hiding in a hole for a long time. Hardline was important in my profiles many times also and I used to have some killstreaks as a regular basis.

Spy Plane or RC-XD (mostly the second), Napalm Strike and Mortar Team. Why so? You can have your Care Package, or the Attack Helicopter but you may find a problem on that. When the airspace is too crowded you are blocked. You can't use your stuff and there is no reward for you. The ones I used don't depend on that so you can use them whenever it fits to you. You can have more that 15 per game, because they are easy to get, and that is a lot of killing...

Once you have a high Prestige you can try others but think about if they are going to be available for you.

The weapons: Famas (I killed more than 14.000) with it, is the most balanced in my opinion. Strong power and not to shaky. AK 74u for short range stages, as Havana, and SPAS-12 for going to them. Sniping, in case you make it sometimes, for me is not that good without the L96A1 (two options as well: Thermal vision and Variable Zoom).

I discovered quite late the China Lake launcher and the CZ75 pistol (I used the Makarov mostly all the time).

These are my main weapons for reaching the top of the hill but you can try, of course your own. Commando is not bad but I still prefer Famas.

About the equipment I trend to use Claymores (killed nearly 2500 with that up to today) but just because of the type of game I play. There are interesting options for other modes. Frag Grenades reach longer than Semtex so, if you need a long range (for First Blood it is important) take them. For accuracy Semtex can give you more multikills.

And finally, some tips about tactics in Black Ops, in the next and last post. If you missed the first one, it is in here.

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