
Jun 14, 2011

Level 50 15th Prestige. Rising levels tips (and III)

I played a lot of hours as I said in the first and second part of this long post. For that reason I feel entitled to talk about what I saw on the battlefield.

First of all: DON'T CAMP. Campers are bad considered and, to be honest, camping doesn't take you anywhere. How many can you kill by camping? 7 or 8? Even 17? Of course, if you are protecting a flag, or a target, and in the radar you see people coming to you, you can hide in a corner for a while, but don't make you strategy on camping. You'll loose!

If I go to a room and there is a camper in a corner, I'll try to kill him the next time. If he is good enough, he will move a bit (staying in the same place is really stupid). Maybe he kills me twice in that case... But I promise I'll keep that player in mind for the rest of the game, and the evening if necessary and I'll use all my power to smash him.

Sniping sometimes is necessary. If you are an easy target on an open field and there are only snipers, fight them back, but usually it is a bit boring for me.

Shotgun and breking into rooms is a very funny option sometimes. Not always, but SPAS-12 with Suppressor and Ninja can give you a lot of kills in some occasions. Tactical Insertion can help to avoid running al the time.

Using the killstreaks is an art. Sometimes you see a lot of people in a spot, capturing a flag (typical example, taking B in Villa). It could be too late until your strike hits the point and you'll get barely nothing. Anticipate: cut the respawnding points or go to the unprotected flag, even if it looks safe.

Every Prestige you go further you have to forget about fullfilling all the challenges. Don't finish every Perk and every weapon. Move on. Do just what it is necessary to go to the last Prestige and then finish them easily. I did yesterday nearly all of them to the Pro version, just in an evening. Kill, grow and forget the rest. There are 15 times to do it and you waste your time if you stop on that point.

There are, of course, as many options and opinions as players on Black Ops, on every platform but I did this for being on the maximum prestige level. Are you that high?

I hope you liked, at least, my point of view and if you can take some of the tips to improve, I'll be glad.

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